Our commitment
to people
and the planet
One of the great challenges facing Vopak Terquimsa has always been sustainability, and today this is true more than ever before. We store products that are essential for society, while operating in a safe, socially responsible and sustainable manner.
We are aware that the decisions made today have a decisive impact on future generations. To this end we comply with the highest standards in our industry and are guided by our own strict codes of conduct. We have adapted and aligned our business practices to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and include them in our daily activities to protect the safety and health of our workers, while acting responsibly with respect to labour rights, the company’s environmental footprint, emergency safety procedures, sponsorship and social initiatives.
and People
At Vopak Terquimsa, looking after the health and safety of our employees is our priority, and this includes those who work with us in our business activities. We are committed to preventing all potential sources of injury and adverse effects on well-being by providing safe, healthy working conditions.
Vopak Terquimsa's safety system is based on a strict compliance with legal obligations on risk prevention, and goes beyond these regulatory stipulations by applying specific processes and procedures: change management, the safety-based analysis of our tasks and processes or a last-minute evaluation. All of this goes to create a world-class safety standard, one that includes the best practices of our shareholders (Vopak and Exolum) and the industry itself.
Vopak Terquimsa guarantees its employees’ labour rights. Our own collective agreement regulates the conditions of our working partners, in an settlement established with the workers' representation groups and company Management.
Our project is solid and stable, and over 99% of our employees have long-term contracts. Company salaries are established fairly and allow our employees the opportunity to enjoy their life projects at a reasonable level.
Our staff enjoys social benefits that aim to guarantee and improve their quality of life. Among them is a private medical insurance policy and total life insurance cover.
At Vopak Terquimsa we take care of the safety of all our staff, their families and the society that we form part of. Our self-protection plans determine the numerous emergency management processes we implement, while drills are held periodically to ensure that we have the necessary preparation to face any eventuality.
Caring for the society around us is one of our priorities with regard to any company initiative. We launch annual initiatives to provide funds for social projects that involve our partners. Over the years we have participated (among other events) in initiatives of the Red Cross, the Down’s Tarragona Association or the Provincial Association for Cerebral Palsy of Tarragona.
Vopak Terquimsa is committed to contributing to the social environment and the sector to which we belong. We are part of the Chemical Business Association of Tarragona (AEQT), Asterquigas and the Business Confederation of the Province of Tarragona (CEPTA).
Vopak Terquimsa sponsors a numerous different sporting initiatives due to their role as creators of positive values, such as integrity and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
We currently sponsor:
Nàstic de Tarragona (soccer team)
Club de Bàsquet Tarragona (basketball team)
At Vopak Terquimsa we seek to reduce our carbon footprint with actions that take environmental protection and conservation into account. We give priority to those areas of our activities that have the most impact in this regard:
- The reduction of waste generated
- A reduction in resource consumption: water, nitrogen, fuel and electricity
To this end Vopak Terquimsa has been implementing an environmental management system since 2005 – and one that is certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard.
Vopak Terquimsa is committed to attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We are aware that by starting with the small details we will be able to attain the global challenges defined by these demanding standards.
The following SDGs are implemented in our daily operational activities:
We guarantee both the availability and the sustainable management of water for everyone.
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We guarantee access to available, safe, sustainable and modern energy sources.
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We promote inclusive economic and sustainable growth, as well as decent work for all our employees.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vestibulum nec neque at accumsan. Mauris nulla quam, lacinia iaculis suscipit suscipit, blandit eget purus. Integer mi velit, cursus eget odio vel, tincidunt efficitur ligula. Praesent cursus justo ut ante imperdiet scelerisque eu eget eros.
We construct resilient infrastructures, while promoting sustainable industrialisation and innovation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vestibulum nec neque at accumsan. Mauris nulla quam, lacinia iaculis suscipit suscipit, blandit eget purus. Integer mi velit, cursus eget odio vel, tincidunt efficitur ligula. Praesent cursus justo ut ante imperdiet scelerisque eu eget eros.
We guarantee sustainable consumption and production approaches
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vestibulum nec neque at accumsan. Mauris nulla quam, lacinia iaculis suscipit suscipit, blandit eget purus. Integer mi velit, cursus eget odio vel, tincidunt efficitur ligula. Praesent cursus justo ut ante imperdiet scelerisque eu eget eros.