Vopak Terquimsa has been one of the companies recognized with the FEIQUE SAFETY Award 2021, to those companies or production centers in the chemical industry, with more than 50 own workers that during the year have obtained a zero general frequency index, that is, they have not registered accidents with leave and without leave. The awards have been delivered by the general director of the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work, Carlos Arranz, together with the general director of Feique, Juan Antonio Labat.
On behalf of Vopak Terquimsa, Conchi Lázaro, Head of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) has been the person in charge of receiving the recognition. Conchi Lázaro has assured that “achieving this recognition is thanks to the good work of the entire Terquimsa human team, following the safety procedures and standards implemented by the company to preserve the safety and health of all its workers and the promotion of risk perception and safety culture at all levels of the organization. Ten recognized AEQT companies

Ten AEQT companies have been recognized at the ceremony.
Four of these companies have won the Feique 2021 Special Safety Award, which recognizes those companies with more than 300 workers that registered zero accidents with sick leave last year. Another six from the AEQT have been recognized with the Feique 2021 Safety Award, which recognizes companies or production centers with more than 50 workers that registered a zero general frequency index: that is, that they did not register any accident, with or without leave, throughout 2021.

One more year, among the safest sectors
During the event, the 2021 Chemical Sector Occupational Accident Report was also made public, a study that collects in detail the classification of accidents with sick leave during 2021, as well as the statistical indices of the companies associated with Feique in the field of safety and health of workers. If a comparison is made of the results of the Feique companies with the rest of the economic activities, they present an accident incidence rate that in 2021 was 4.62 times lower than that registered by the Industry as a whole, 2.87 times. less than the national average and 6.5 times less than the construction sector. This means that an accident occurs in Feique companies for every 170,000 hours worked. The Report reflects the high levels of safety with which companies in the chemical sector affiliated to the Federation operate, most of whom apply the international Responsible Care program for the continuous improvement of health and safety, environmental protection and Corporate Social Responsibility, which after more than 30 years of implementation in Spain continues to be an ally in the application of best practices in favor of prevention and the safety of the human capital that makes up the sector, made up of almost 210,000 direct jobs.